Inspiracija za putovanje – Travel inspiration
Pošto čitate ove stranice (na čemu smo vam neizmjerno zahvalni) vjerujem da vam ne treba puno poticaja na putovanja, ipak ponekad malo inspiracije nije na odmet. Na ovoj stranici ćemo podijeliti neke nama najdraže citate o putovanjima i svijetu oko nas koje ćemo dizajnerski uklopiti u inspirative fotografije i periodički objavljivati ovdje i na našim Facebook stranicama.
Dobrodošli ste da ih dijelite naše citate sa svijetom kao i da komentirate sa nekim vama najdražim citatima…jer putovati se mora. 🙂
Since you are following this pages (and thank you for that) we believe that you don’t need much encouragement to travel but sometimes a little bit inspiration could help. On this page we will share some of our favorite travel quotes that we will design and fit in beautifull photos and periodically publish here and on our Facebook pages.
You are more then welcome to share our quotes and comment with yours favorite quotes. 🙂
Sve što vam treba je destinacija.
You don’t need magic to disappear.
All you need is a destination.
– Andre Gide
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
– Andre Gide
cijelu godinu na ljeto,
cijeli život na sreću…
Ja putujem.
People wait all week for friday,
all year for summer,
all life for happiness…
I travel
– Florine Bos –
I travel because I’d rather look back at my life, saying “I can’t believe I did that” instead of “If only I had…”
– Florine Bos –
Neka ti vjetar bude uvijek na leđima,
Neka ti sunce grije lice,
Kiše padaju meko na tvojim poljima,
I dok se opet ne sretnemo,
Neka te Bog drži u dlanu svoje ruke.
– Irski blagoslov –
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
– An Irish blessing –
– Ibn Battuta –
Traveling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.
– Ibn Battuta –
– Ruska poslovica –
It’s better to see something once then to hear about it a hundred times.
– Russian proverb –